Today's Q&A comes to you with Pastor Miles DeBenedictis, pastor of Cross Connection Church North County San Diego. As Pastor David Guzik is still out of town, Miles will answer your questions. He began with the question: Baptism: Why, What, & How? Then, questions from the live chat: Can you clearly explain what Jesus means in Matthew 28 about baptizing in the name of the Father, Son, and Spirit, making disciples, and how it applies to believers today? 19:10 If a person accepts Jesus Christ and wants to be baptized, but doesn't want to become a part of a local congregation, for whatever reason, should that church still baptize him? 20:34 Will Jesus bear the marks of His crucifixion all through eternity? 23:42 Is it true that to take communion, we must be baptized first? 26:47 Can and should you be baptized twice? 28:35 In Revelation 18:4, who is being referred to as "my people"? Is the Church of God still on Earth at that time? 32:25 What is the study of eschatology? 36:13 How often should we partake in communion on our own, outside the local church we attend every Sunday? 37:44 In Matthew 17, how can we explain Moses' appearance on the mountain of Transfiguration? What body was he in, since it cannot be his resurrection body? 39:47 What is Calvinism? 42:03 Why did godly men in the Bible have two wives, such as Elkanah in 1 Samuel 1? 45:29

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